Thursday, December 9, 2010

Instant vs home cook

(backdated post - been a while since i blogged)

i finally succumb to these....

poor baby i only manage to cook her daily meal for one and a half month, then i decided to buy a box of the cereal as standby in case the food i prepared not to her liking or tak sempat masak for the day. then realizing the convenience that came with it, i started to pack away the baby blender and buy a whole lot of instant cereals.

among the meals i prepare for baby ezuin...(basically campak whatever available in the fridge)
apple puree
pear puree
rice, butternut squash
sweet pea puree
rice, carrot, spinach, kurma
rice, carrot, kurma
avocado, kurma

barli, prune

from the list above, her fav ingredient is KURMA... i guess because her first tasting is mostly kurma. wanna know why? she reached 5mo++ in the month of ramadhan, time semua orang buke puasa, i will sit with her in the TV room while taking turns with hubby. so i buka puasa with kurma while holding her, being curious at that age, she kept on opening her mouth and reaching towards my food. to keep her quiet, i let her suck on the kurma from my fingers. she love IT! who wouldn't? its KURMA, sweet. and being her first food, - the only food... of course la die sukerrrr sgt.

but now, i am cooking again after almost 1 month of instant food, why? because my baby monster is starting to be picky now... she doesn't want the instant ones anymore. sometimes, she'll just end up finishing all the milk in storage and not eat. which got me panic... looking at the empty storage of EBM! - thats another story.

on one hand, i like the convenience that came with the instant food, but on the other hand, i LIKE the fact that she loves my cooking! hahah

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